Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ice in a Bucket

This is my first blog and may very well be my last as well...we will see how it goes. I really just wanted a place to get my thoughts down and out. Most of these blogs will be about random things that I have just been thinking about..

For the past week I have been thinking about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. It is amazing how much attention and money this challenge has raised for ALS. yet as incredible as it is...I find myself upset about it, not because of the annoying yet fun videos of people dumping water on their heads (I am among one of them) but because i wish this much awareness was being raised for other diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). When this Ice Bucket Challenge first started it was meant to raise awareness and money for any and all charitable causes - what happened to that? How did it morph into just one cause?  What was the Tipping Point?

To learn more about MS and ALS and how they are similar and different - check out this link,ButDifferent1